SET - VIRTUAL- Designated Safeguarding Lead Network

Date & Time:

Thursday 15 May 2025 (15:00pm - 17:00pm)




Please be aware that this session is designed for those who have not been able to attend the in person area specific networks.

These networks are for DSLs, Deputy DSLs /SLT who may make up wider safeguarding teams in education settings.

We encourage every setting to make representation at each round of meetings. 

Why should I engage?

The networks fulfil duties under statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 2 - the management of safeguarding

  • To keep up to date with local safeguarding arrangements and provide a mechanism for to engage with the Local Safeguarding Partnership (Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership). 
  • To ensure knowledge and skills are adequately updated (in addition to the requirement to update formal training every 2 years).
  • Provide a chance to develop and share good practice and contribute towards a community of practice.
  • Network with other education settings.
  • Develop working relationships with the local safeguarding advisor and statutory agencies

When do they occur?

These happen every other Bristol term (3 times a year) and last for about 2 and a half hours to allow for colleagues to network.  

Standing Agenda

  • News
  • Updates from the Local Safeguarding Partnership
  • Topical Safeguarding issues.
  • Multi-agency updates. 
  • Updates from Area Managers & Education Inclusion Managers

Each session will allow for professional networking and reflective exercises.

If were unable to get a place or cannot make the session for your locality you can attend the network virtually by filling in the form on our website here

Places Available:

RestrictionAvailableApplicable to you
BCC Restriction0

Further Information:


Safeguarding in Education Team

Venue Details:
