KBSP Child Protection For Managers
Date & Time:
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Suitable for working group: D
NHS Level: Level 4
Course length: One Full Day Session
Cost: Non-funded places £100.00 | Colleagues from core statutory partner organisations of the KBSP receive funded places
Prerequisite: Staff who have never attended KBSP training previously, must attend the KBSP Working Together: Our Shared Responsibility training, followed by the Advanced Child Protection Training for Safeguarding Leads and Specialist Practitioners as prerequisites, before attending this course.
Course Description
Aims: To enhance good practice in leadership through inter-agency discussion and reflection on the expectations placed on all agencies around the protection of children from harm.
Objectives: After completing this course participants will be able to:
Understand the role of the LADO and the actions managers must take when there are concerns raised about a member of staff.
Understand mandatory reporting duties for professionals.
Reflect on learning from Serious Case Reviews/Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews in relation to the roles and responsibilities of managers.
Explore the importance of supervision in keeping children safe and understand how intersectionality can impact this.
Explore how to support staff to reduce the effects of secondary/vicarious trauma.
Places Available:
- KBSP Advanced Child Protection Training for Safeguarding Leads and Specialist Practitioners attended no longer than 24 month(s) prior to this event.